Truly sad...

Unfortunately nobody cares about the Scanlator's wishes anymore.
Leecher complain day in day out.
Online Reader host horrible resized Images.
And top of it, it's illegal what we do.
The life of a Scanlator is truly sad.

Of course I knew Ginen would be uploaded to Mangafox, and be it just so I would drop Ginen (Yes there are a**holes out there who would do that).
Honestly, I HATE people who complain or abuse us, the scanlators.
Mangafox claims they wouldn't stop hosting series, since the groups are just be after the money they get when people visit their site or DL their links or for fame, but it's Mangafox itself that seeks fame, and with the works of others on top of it!

I could go on this endless, but I better don't.
I posted on Mangafox that I want to have a 7 day wait period on all my releases. I truly hope that will be accepted. Else I'm really gonna drop the projects. As I said on some topic on Mangafox:
I do Scanlation for fun, and things like that rob me of the fun. And without fun there would be no use in continuing it. Mangafox might not care, since my projects are like a drop of water in the sea, but I bet a lot of you would be disappointed to see the projects unfinished.
Anyways I'll continue to watch the situation and do as I see fit then.
And starting with the last release, we got our "own" online reader now. Thanks to n0c0ntr0l from IMS. Without a 7 day wait period just for this one.
At all other Online Reading Site: The 7 days wait period applies to you as well!!
Respect at least this wish of mine.

Okay, I hope I can get you some more releases over the weekend.
For now, just


Chapter 91:
Mediafire || Deposit Files || Read Online

 P.S: Comment more if you want to help me overcome this crisis. Lots of comments (thanks) make me more motivated.

It's Ginen!

The next chapter of Ginen! With color pages!!
Some changes as of now:


If this isn't followed, the project that was uploaded is immediately dropped. Other readers or archive sites are still fine. But Mangafox is the only exception. Don't ask why, just take it as it is.


Chapter 11:
Mediafire || Deposit Files  || Read Online

P.S: Thanks to n0c0ntr0l from IMS we have own online reading, enjoy~

Pair up time!

Yeah, I know. Releases are a bit one-sided at the moment...
But dun fear. Kurohime and Ginen are both in work.
Just enjoy this awesome Smash! chapter for now.
Btw, I'm still searching for some dedicated Redrawers for Smash.
It would ease my burden a lot.


Chapter 90:
Mediafire || Deposit Files

P.S: Mediafire fixed~

Smi Sma Smashu!

I present you the next chapter of Smash!
This time the girl's side of the badminton club~
Also, I had some relocating of staff, so as of now, I'm recruiting 1 Typesetter and Redrawers for Smash!
I'm only recruiting people, experienced in the position, since I have no time to train you.
If you're interested mail me under
There more help I get on Smash!, the more likely are faster releases on other series. (I'm not recruiting any helpers for the other series, I'll continue to do them myself, so better help out on Smash!)


Chapter 89:
Mediafire || Deposit Files

Why can't everything be so easy...

...then I could throw out releases like garbage!
Well, here is the next chapter of Frogman. Someone requested a preview pic, so I added one~
It's the last of Vol 02. But fear not, as I mentioned before, I have the tanks raws of Vol 03, so steady releases are ensured. (Probably, lol)
Kurohime just got out and is getting my immidate attention.
Ginen will have to wait for after. Sorry.
Busy. Busy. Busy.


Chapter 20:
Mediafire || Deposit Files

Umm.... No idea....

I should release less, since I have no clue what to write here...
Either way, it has no Yuuhi T_T
Read it nevertheless.
Gonna TS Frogman now, and then hand over to QC.
Ginen TL most likely tmw.
Still no new Kurohime raws T_T
Next Otomari should come this week too.
That's it for an update.
Also thanks to all Donators. My raw-provider has ordered his new scanner. Thanks!


Chapter 88:
Mediafire || Deposit Files

Future Time!

Here is the promised next chapter of Ginen Shounen *cough*
Yeah, sorry. I'm a bit sly. It's the next chapter, but it's just a special with just 6 pages :)
I'm pretty busy this weekend and weekdays I'm low on motivation cuz of uni T_T
But the next chapter will come soon, just gonna finish up Frogman c20.
A few more comments would be nice too :)
Btw, do you like the new layout? The previous one broke and can't be used anymore T_T
Now go and


Chapter 10.5:
Mediafire || Depsoit Files

Frog, Froggy, Frogman

Here is the next chapter of Frogman!
Just one more and we're done with vol 2.
And I just secured the tank raws for vol 3 :))
So you can continue to enjoy your fast release.
Grab it and


Chapter 19:
Mediafire || Deposit Files

More Smash!

As you may have noticed, the theme broke and since I let someone else set it up for me (Me having no clue about this), I had no other choice to change it to simething simple again, till I get to speak to my helper again :)
So bear with this layout for a while.
And of course releases won't stop because of this.
Here is the next cute chapter of Smash!
It has Yuuhi action~~~~ <3 <3
Frogman is in QC.
Maybe some more Ginen on the weekend.


Chapter 87:
Mediafire || Deposit Files

Celebrate the Winter

In celebration of the beginning of my next uni term, I have two lovely chapters for you.
Ginen will soon see a bit more regular release, when I finish up with the Vol 02 of Frogman.
As for Smash!, it's the start of a really lovely volume :)
Look forward to more.


Smash! Chapter 86:
Mediafire || Deposit Files

Ginen Shounen Chapter 10:
Mediafire || Deposit Files

Passing through~

Okay I just finished watching the 2nd season of Nanoha again.
Awesome stuff. Really.
Time to celebrate that with a release.
But I also have sad news.
The scanner of my Raw-Provider broke and he needs a new one.
Since he uses it for scanlation only, I think it's appropriate to fund that with some Donation.
Since he would pay it out of his own pocket otherwise.
So if you like our scans and have a bit of money to spare, please Donate through the button on the left.
Every bit helps!
Downloading per Deposit Files too!


Chapter 18:
Mediafire || Deposit Files

Halfway through!

We're halfway through with Smash! Just 9 volumes more to go!
Can't wait for the awesome vol 10!
This chapter has plenty of Yuuhi, so it's totally awesome.
Also, next Frog is done, but my QC is lazy and thinks you don't need the release yet, so bear with it~
Me is lazy watching loli atm, so I'm not gonna whip him.


Chapter 85:
Mediafire || Deposit Files

Hardcore Ecchi

You think you're used to ecchi?
You're already happy with just a panty-shot!?
Then read this and faint.


Chapter 18:
Mediafire || Deposit Files

Sweet Monday~

It's time again!
And we're nearing the end of Vol 09.
Lacking the motivation to write anything more...


Chapter 84:
Mediafire || Deposit Files

Ecchi~ Ecchi~ Frog~

You want swimsuits?
You want boobs?
You want more S-action?
You want cheese?
This chapter has it all!


Chapter 17:
Mediafire || Deposit Files

Better late than not at all

Finally it's time for Kurohime again~
We had some dealy with this chapter, but it's ready now~
The action is getting quite hot~
Stupid ~ at the end of every line~


Chapter 76:
Mediafire || Deposit Files || IMS

Already the next!!

Yeah, you see right! It's already the next chapter!!
The ecchi increased a bit compared to the previous chapter.
And just wait for the next one <3
Just awesome.
More release later :)
For now,


Chapter 17:
Mediafire || Deposit Files

P.S: I just saw, that the labels aren't shown on the posts anymore T_T Gonna see if I can fix that.
P.S.S: YealoFTW fixed the labels <3 Big thanks!!

New Layout!

Thanks to my cute YealoFTW, we now have a new layout!
With this new layout come the pages 'About', 'Projects' and 'Donations'.
There you can now get detailed information!
I also added a shared Mediafire Download Folder for those Projects I upload. You can find all the DLs there again :)
Hope you like it~

Home | About | Projects | Donations

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